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Ane Nærde

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Ane Nærde

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Utvikling av atferdsproblemer og sosial kompetanse blant barn og unge. Aggresjonsutvikling. Depresjon blant mødre og fedre.


Fagfellevurderte publikasjoner

Putnam, S. P., Sehic, E., French, B. F., Gartstein, M. A., Lira Luttges, B., & 486 Additional Partners in the Global Temperament Project. (2024). The Global Temperament Project: Parent-reported temperament in infants, toddlers, and children from 59 nations. Developmental Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001732

Feldman, J. S., Natale, B. N., Shaw, D. S., Nordahl, K. B., Janson, H., & Nærde, A. (2023). Duration of Breastfeeding and Supportive Paternal Caregiving in Early Childhood and the Potential Mediating Function of Maternal Caregiving. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 44(4):p e309-e314, DOI: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000001175

Feldman, J. S., Dolcini-Catania, L. G., Wang, Y., Shaw, D. S., Nordahl, K. B., & Nærde, A. (2023). Compensatory effects of maternal and paternal supportive parenting in early childhood on children's school-age adjustment. Developmental Psychology, 59(6), 1074–1086. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001523

Rey-Guerra, C., Zachrisson, H.D., Dearing, E., Berry, D., Kuger, S., Burchinal, M.R., Nærde, A., van Huizen, T., & Côté, S. M. (2022). Do More Hours in Center-based Care Cause More Externalizing Problems? A Cross-National Replication Study. Child Development. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13871

Flouri, E., Mueller, M., Idsøe, T., & Nærde, A. (2022). Outdoor play areas in childcare settings and children’s physical aggression: A longitudinal study of Norwegian kindergartens. European Journal of Developmental Psychologyhttps://doi.org/10.1080/17405629.2022.2087628

Ribeiro, L. A., Zachrisson, H. D., Nærde, A., Wang, M. V., Brandlistuen, R. E. & Passaretta, G. (2022). Socioeconomic disparities in early language development in two Norwegian samples. Applied Development Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/10888691.2022.2051510

Feldman, J. S., Shaw, D. S., Nordahl, K. B., Backer-Grøndahl, A., Nærde, A. (2022). Stable, longitudinal relations between early paternal supportive parenting and preschool-age children's self-regulation. Social Development, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12607

Idsøe, T., Dyregrov, A., Janson, H. & Nærde, A. (2021). Pandemic-Related Stress Symptoms Among Norwegian Parents of Adolescents in Grades 6 to 8. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2021, 12, 701782. 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.701782

Idsøe, T., Vaillancourt, T., Dyregrov, A., Hagen, K. A., Ogden, T., & Nærde, A. (2021). Bullying victimization and trauma. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 1602. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.480353

Hukkelberg, S. & Nærde, A. (2021). Parental stress among Norwegian fathers and mothers: Similarities and differences. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. https://doi.org/10.1177/02654075211049725

Natale, B. N., Shaw, D. S., Janson, H. & Nærde, A. (2021). Duration of Breastfeeding Mediates the Association Between Early Socioeconomic Risk and Child Vocabulary at Age 4. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics: January 25, 2021. doi: 10.1097/DBP.0000000000000913.

Dalen, M., Nordahl, K. B., Vonheim, K., Janson, H., & Nærde, A. (2020). Mother-child interaction in families with internationally adopted children and families with biological children at age 2: Similarities and differences. Adoption Quarterly, 23(4), 286-311. http://doi.org/10.1080/10926755.2020.1833394.

Nærde, A., & Hukkelberg, S. S. (2020). An examination of validity and reliability of the Parental Stress Scale in a population based sample of Norwegian parents. Plos One 15(12), e0242735. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0242735.

Backer-Grøndahl, A., Nærde, A. & Idsøe, T. (2018). Hot and Cool Self-Regulation, Academic Competence, and Maladjustment: Mediating and Differential Relations. Child Development. doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13104.

Flouri, E., Narayanan, M. K., Nærde, A. (2018). Stressful life events and depressive symptoms in mothers and fathers of young children. Journal of Affective Disorders, 230, 22–27. doi:10.1016/j.jad.2017.12.098.

Backer-Grøndahl, A., & Nærde, A. (2016). Self-regulation in early childhood: The role of siblings, center care and socioeconomic status. Social Development. Advance online publication. Doi: 10.1111/sode.12216

Narayanan, M., & Nærde, A. (2016). Associations between maternal and paternal depressive symptoms and early child behavior problems: Testing a mutually adjusted prospective longitudinal model. Journal of Affective Disorders, 196, 181−189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2016.02.020

Dearing, E., Zachrisson, H. D., & Nærde, A. (2015). Faint and Fading Associations between Age of Entry into Child Care and Aggression for Young Norwegian Children. Psychological Science, 26, 1596–1607.

Zambrana, I., Dearing, E., Zachrisson, H. D., & Nærde, A. (2015). Time in ECEC and language competence in Norwegian 4-year-old girls and boys. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2015.1035538.

Backer-Grøndahl, A., Nærde, A., Ulleberg, P., & Janson, H. (2015). Measuring effortful control using the Children’s Behavior Questionnaire-Very Short Form: Modeling matters. Journal of Personality Assessment, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00223891.2015.1056303

Nærde, A., Ogden, T., Janson, H., & Zachrisson, H. D. (2014). Normative development of physical aggression from 8 to 26 months. Developmental Psychology, 50, 1710–1720. Doi: 10.1037/a0036324.

Kjøbli, J., Nærde, A., Bjørnebekk, G., & Askeland, E. (2013). Maternal mental distress influences child outcomes in brief parent training. Child and Adolescent Mental Health,19, 171–177. DOI:10.1111/camh.12028.

Zachrisson, H. D., Nærde, A., & Janson, H. (2013). Predicting early center care utilization in a context of universal access. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, 74−82.

Bjørknes, R., Jakobsen, R., & Nærde, A. (2010). Recruiting ethnic minority groups to evidence-based parent training. Who will come and how? Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 351−357.

Nærde, A., Røysamb, E., & Tambs, K. (2004). Temperament in adults – reliability,   stability, and factor structure of the EAS temperament survey. Journal of Personality Assessment, 82, 71−79.

Nærde, A., Tambs, K., & Mathiesen, K. S. (2002). Child related strain and maternal mental health: a longitudinal study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavia, 105, 301−309.

Nærde, A., Tambs, K., Mathiesen, K. S., Dalgard, O. S., & Samuelsen, S .O. (2000). Symptoms of anxiety and depression among mothers of pre-school children: effect of chronic strain related to children and child care-taking. Journal of Affective Disorders, 58, 181−199.


Ikke fagfellevurderte publikasjoner

Nærde, A. & Backer‐Grøndahl, A. (2020). Hvem påvirker hvem? Hvordan barn skaper sine foreldre. KONTEKSTonline, 5. ISSN 2535-4825.

Backer-Grøndahl, A., & Nærde, A. (2015). Barns selvregulering: Viktig og vanskelig. [Children’s self-regulation: Important and difficult]. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association, 52, 497−502. 

Nærde, A., Ogden, T., Zachrisson, H. D., & Janson, H. (2012). Kan små barn være aggressive? [Can small children be aggressive?]. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association, 49, 180−183.


Publiserte bøker og bokkapitler

Backer-Grøndahl, A. & Nærde, A. (2023). Selvregulert og skoleklar? I Flaten, K. (red.) Temperament hos små og store barn. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. https://cappelendamm.no/_temperament-hos-sma-og-store-barn-kirsten-flaten-9788202717520

Martinsen, M. T., Moser, T., Janson, H., & Nærde, A. (2009). Barnehagen som arena for sosial utvikling: En pilotstudie. [Day care as an arena for social development. A pilot-study]. I B. Groven et al. (Eds.), FoU i praksis 2008 (s. 275−284). Trondheim, Norge: Tapir Akademisk Forlag.

Sætre, R. H., Mathiesen, K. S., & Nærde, A. (1996). Barnefamilien – trivsel og levekår.  Helsestasjonens rolle i kommunens forebyggende arbeid for barn. [The family with small children – well-being and living conditions. The role of child health clinics in the prevention work for children in the municipalities]. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget.



Janson, H., Bringedal, G.E., & Nærde, A. (2023). A flowchart of participation and collected data across 15 years of the Behavior Outlook Norwegian Developmental Study (BONDS). Rapport. Oslo: NUBU. 2023 Report BONDS Participation.pdf

Ogden, T., Kjøbli, J., Nærde, A., Olseth, A., & Frønes, I. (2015). Utredning om målgrupper, inklusjonskriterier og forskningsdesign for utprøving av Nurse-Family Partnership i Norge. Rapport til Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

Nærde, A., Janson, H., & Ogden, T. (2014). BONDS (The Behavior Outlook Norwegian Developmental Study): A Prospective Longitudinal Study of Early Development of Social Competence and Behavior Problems. (Rapport). Oslo: Norsk Senter for studier av problematferd og innovativ praksis. ISBN: 978-82-93406-00-6.

Zachrisson, H. D., Moser, T., Nærde, A., & Dearing, E. (2014). Sammenhengen mellom strukturelle kvalitetsindikatorer i barnehagen, og barns sosiale og faglige ferdigheter på første klassetrinn. [Associations between structural quality indicators in ECEC and social and academic skills in first grade.] The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, University of Oslo. Report to The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Dec 15th 2014. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

Zachrisson, H. D., Dearing, E., Zambrana, I. M., & Nærde, A. (2014). Språkkompetanse hos 4-åringer som har gått i barnehage. [Language skills among 4-year olds with center care experience.] The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, University of Oslo. Report to The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Jan 3rd 2014. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

Zachrisson, H. D., Backer-Grøndahl, A., Nærde, A., & Ogden, T. (2012). Smått er godt: Sosial kompetanse og atferd hos 3-åringer – sammenhenger med barnehagebruk og kjennetegn ved barnegruppen [Small is beautiful: Social competence and behavior in 3 year olds, associations with center care utilization and characteristics of the child group]. The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, University of Oslo. Report to the Ministry of Education, March 19th 2012. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

Zachrisson, H. D., Backer-Grøndahl, A., Nærde, A. & Ogden, T. (2012). Bruk av barnehage og barnehagens strukturelle kvalitet: sammenheng med barns utvikling ved to år [Center care utilization and structural quality: associations with child development at 2 years]. The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, University of Oslo. Report to the Ministry of Education, January 5th 2012. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

Zachrisson, H. D., Nærde, A., Janson, H., & Ogden, T. (2011). Atferd og sosiale kompetanse i barnehagen hos 2-åringer sett i lys av barnehagefaktorer og tidlig utvikling [Behavior and social competence in the child care center in light of child care factors and early development]. The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development, University of Oslo. Report to the Ministry of Education, February 28th 2011. Oslo: Atferdssenteret.

Nærde A., & Neumer, S. P. (2003). Psykiske lidelser blant barn 0−12 år. Rapport 2003:10. Oslo: Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitutt.

Nærde, A. (1999). Småbarnsmødres psykiske helse. I: NOU 1999:13. Kvinners helse i Norge.