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Arnesen, A., Ogden, T. & Sørlie M-A. (09/2003). Positiv atferd, støttende læringsmiljø og samhandling i skolen  Spesialpedagogikk

Arnesen, A. (1-2006) Å fremme respekt, ansvar, omsorg og trygghet i skolen  REspekt

Arnesen, A. & Ogden, T (02/2006). Skoleomfattende kartlegging av elevatferd  Spesialpedagogikk

Forebyggende innsatser i skolen - 2006 Utdanningsdirektoratet

Arnesen, A. & Sørlie, M-A. (2007) Forebygge atferdsproblemer og fremme sosial kompetanse – en presentasjon av PALS Spor

Arnesen, A. (04/2007). Sammen om bedre skoledager  Spor

Sørlie, M-A. (04/2007). Virker godt for de vanskligste  Spor

Ogden, T., Sørlie, M-A., & Amlund Hagen, K. (2007). Building strength through enhancing social competence in immigrant students at primary school. A pilot study. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 12(2), 105-117.

Sørlie, M-A. & Ogden, T. (2007). Immediate outcomes of PALS. A school-wide multi-level program targeting behavior problems in elementary schools. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,7, 471-491 .

Ogden, T. & Sørlie, M.-A. (2009). Implementing and evaluating empirically based family and school programmes for children with conduct problems in Norway. The International Journal of Emotional Education, 1, 96-107.

Arnesen, A. & Sørlie, M-A. (2010). Forebyggende arbeid i skolen.I E. Befring, I. Frønes, I. & M-A Sørlie (red.). Sårbare unge. Nye perspektiver og tilnærminger, s. 86-100. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk.

Arnesen, A. & Meek-Hansen, W. (2010). PALS Håndbok modul 1. Skoleomfattende forebyggende tiltaksnivå.

Arnesen, A (2011). Innsats mot mobbing i skolen: Virker – virker ikke? Forebygging.no

Sørlie, M.-A. & Torsheim, T. (2011). Multilevel analysis of the relationship between collective efficacy and problem behavior in school. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 2, 175-191.

Arnesen, A. & Meek-Hansen, W. (08/2011). En integrert skoleomfattende tiltaksmodell for å fremme god leseutvikling og sosiale ferdigheter. Spesialpedagogikk

Arnesen, A., Meek-Hansen, W. & Hendis M. (2012). PALS Håndbok modul 2 Individuelle tiltaksnivå

Ogden, T., Sørlie, M-A., Arnesen, A., & Meek-Hansen, W. (2012). The PALS School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Model in Norwegian Primary Schools – implementation and evaluation. In J. Visser (Ed.) Transforming troubled lives: Strategies and interventions with children and young people with social emotional and behavioural difficulties (pp. 39–55). London: Emerald Group publishing.

Arnesen, A, Meek-Hansen, W, Ogden, T, Olseth Røyrhus, A & Sørlie, M-A (2012). Rektorundersøkelsen 2012

Arnesen, A., Meek-Hansen, W., Ottem, O. & Frost, J. (2013). Barns vansker med språk, lesing og sosial atferd i læringsmiljøet. Psykologi i kommunen, 6, 69−83.

Sørlie, M-A., Ogden, T,  Arnesen, A, Olseth Røyrhus, A & Meek-Hansen, W, (2014). Skoleledere om PALS Spesialpedagogikk, 1  17-29

Arnesen, A, Meek-Hansen, W, Ogden, T, Sørli, M-A, (2014). Positiv læringsstøtte. Hele skolen med! 
2. utgave Universitetsforlaget 

Sørlie, M-A., & Ogden, T. (2014a). Mindre problematferd i grunnskolen? Lærervurderinger i et 10-års perspektiv. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 98, 190−202. 

Sørlie, M-A., & Ogden, T. (2014b). Reducing threats to validity by design in a non-randomized experiment of a school-wide intervention model. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1. 2 (4), 235–246.

Torsheim, T., Sørlie, M-A., Olseth, A. R., & Bjørnebekk, G. (2015). Environmental and temperamental correlates of alcohol user patterns in grade 7 students. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 32, 605–621.

Sørlie, M-A., Ogden, T., & Olseth, A. R. (2015). Preventing problem behavior in school through school-wide staff empowerment: Intervention outcomes. World Journal of Educational Research, 2, 117–139. 

Sørlie, M-A., & Ogden, T. (2015). School-Wide Positive Behavior Support – Norway. Impacts on problem behavior and classroom climate. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 00, 1–16.

Sørlie, M-A., Ogden, T., & Olseth, A. R. (2016). Examining teacher outcomes of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support model in Norway: Perceived efficacy and behavior management. Sage Open, April-June, 1-13.

Arnesen, A, Braeken, J, Baker, S, Meek-Hansen, W, Ogden, T, Melby-Lervåg, M (2016): Growth in Oral Reading Fluency in a Semitransparent Orthography: Concurrent and Predictive Relations With Reading Proficiency in Norwegian, Grades 2–5Reading Research Quarterly (Aug. 2016)



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